


Individual membership
Individual Member$99Our basic membership for individuals.Join Now
Student Member$35All the benefits of basic membership for individuals who are 
full- and part-time students (undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral).
Join Now
Chorus membership
Budgets under $250,000$155-$275Join Now
Budgets from $250,000 to $500,000$340-$600Join Now
Budgets from $500,000 to $1,000,000$685-$1,205Join Now
Budgets over $1,000,000$1,380-$3,000Join Now
Business and Affiliate Membership
Business Member$325For-profit organizations that cater to the choral communityJoin Now
Affiliate Member$225Nonprofit or educational institutions that cater to the choral communityJoin Now


Connect with colleagues who care about choral music and each other. When you join Chorus America, you become part of a community that understands your concerns and has insights to share. Build your network through our Online Community or during our annual Conference with its friendly atmosphere.


Learn with tools and resources that make your job easier and get your questions answered. Our website and The Voice magazine keep you informed about new trends, best practices, and successful strategies for taking your chorus to the next level. Want more targeted help? Ask a Chorus America staff member to connect you to resources or personalized recommendations.


Promote your chorus and the entire choral field. Make the case for your chorus with important research like the Chorus Impact Study and other advocacy tools. We spotlight the important work our members do, both within the choral field and at a national level.

Have questions?

Our Membership Team is happy to answer them. Contact us anytime!